Updated on May 14, 2024
How to connect PrestaShop to Nembol
To connect your PrestaShop store to Nembol:
- Access (with an admin user credentials) to PrestaShop
- Once logged, go to “Configure”
- Hover on “Advanced Parameters”
- Click “Webservice”

4. In the upper right corner of the page, click on “Add a new webservice key“
5. Pick or generate a 32 character numeric code (to paste into Nembol later)

9. Grant resource permissions > pick each of them to make sure Nembol has full permission

10. In configuration > habilitate the webservice key you’ve generated before

Now you’re ready to connect PrestaShop to Nembol:
- Access Nembol Channels tab.
- Click on “Connect channels +”, and select Prestashop.
- Paste the URL of your PrestaShop homepage (if you’re using an SSL certificate, add https:// at the beginning of your website domain).
- Paste the numeric webservice key in the blank.
- Click on “Connect”.

PrestaShop settings
To manage PrestaShop settings:
- Go to Channels tab
- Click on Prestashop.
Here, you can set your Prestashop Publish settings. Specifically:
- Select the Product status of the productS you want to publish – choose between “Active” and “Draft”.
- Select the Category in which you want to publish your products.
At this stage,
the integration with PrestaShop has limited features: currently, you can only import from and export to PrestaShop. Synchronization functions are not currently available.
Moreover, listing on PrestaShop can be challenging due to the diverse customizations that can be applied to many PrestaShop websites. At the moment, we don't offer complete integration to PrestaShop websites beyond those running with default options